As the new year is coming up and we start looking towards the future and what we’ve achieved this year it got me thinking about my own achievements. This year my biggest achievement by far was becoming a Chartered Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, otherwise known as the CIPD. Why? Well this is something that has been a life long dream, well maybe not lifelong but certainly something that I’ve worked towards since starting my career in HR. As I sit here still marveling in my achievement it does make me wonder... WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR QUALIFICATIONS & MASTERY ACCREDIDATIONSThis year we have seen Rishi Sunak state that there will be changes to the apprenticeships and more exams in schools to ensure everyone has the same base qualifications. However, is this where the world of business is heading towards or away from? If we consider the Forbes article on the top ten HR trends for 2023 it anticipates that in 2026 companies will focus on people having:
How does that correlate with the increase in exams and set qualifications and as a business, where are you at ensuring your business strategy and workforce are also working towards this? If we look back at the pandemic businesses really felt a shift in the power of relationships, being able to interact with customers or other employees, the importance of the relationships and how those human skills are a necessity. We are continuing on that journey and empowering those skills further in the future. So whilst this is great, what does that mean? Your customers: Will look for an expert or a subject matter expert in their field. They will seek the in-depth human relationship with you and your company and seek reassurance from your expertise. Your employees: Whilst cross training staff to be more productive and responsive can be a real benefit to teams and businesses, do you continue to have subject matter experts who can be relied upon to provide the added value of the service your business offers? You: How can you ensure that you are meeting your customer expectations, being the expert in what you do. Will you sharing your achievements, and what achievements are considered worthwhile sharing? What about sharing the achievements of your team? It could be if you work in customer services that you look to become ITIL qualified so that you understand the importance of the ‘flow’ of the business and customer experience, or as a project manager so you become Prince Qualified and complete a Six Sigma course? Only you will be able to identify what is right for you. Afterall human connections and relationships can’t be added into a CRM or automated, although some may argue that they can, for a successful future we will need to ensure that we all have these skills and abilities going forward. So where does that leave me? Well whilst I’ve reached my expertise in Human Resource, I will now start my journey to increase my mastery in coaching and work to become accredited by the International Coaching Federation. As they say, every day is a school day!
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August 2024